How Contractors Can Prepare for Smart Thermostat Installations

smart thermostat

It’s forecasted that 25.5 million North American homes will have smart thermostats by the end of 2019. As this technology moves from a novelty to commonplace, it’s likely that more of your customers will seek your expertise when it’s time to install the new unit. How can you prepare to assist your customers in the smart thermostat installation process?

Whether you’re completing the installation yourself or simply advising on the process, the first step is to recommend a smart unit that will best suit a particular home’s needs. You can ensure that remote temperature control is both precise and energy efficient by encouraging customers to choose a thermostat that is Energy Aware Qualified ®.

To offer more guidance on selecting the right product, you can refer your customers to our checklist for choosing a smart thermostat.

When your customer is seeking assistance through the installation process, there are several steps you can take ahead of the appointment to help it go smoothly. When you help your customer prepare, it leads to a better experience for both of you, especially when elements of their internet connectivity are beyond your control.

Step 1: Gather relevant information before your installation appointment

Use this interaction with your customer to get an understanding of:

  • where the router is located,
  • what is their network’s bandwidth,
  • whether they’re looking to relocate the smart thermostat and
  • what their Wi-Fi network is named.

Step 2: Take network privacy into account

Remind your customers that they should set up a temporary Wi-Fi password ahead of time if they do not want to share the primary credentials with you.

Step 3: Arrive prepared to install a smart thermostat

Come prepared with the installation manual for the smart thermostat model you’ve selected for their needs. Download the smart thermostat app on your mobile to help walk you through the installation process and help you test their internet connectivity in the event that you need to troubleshoot.

Step 4: Help your customer get comfortable with their new smart thermostat

To get the smart thermostat up and running, your customer will need to program its settings to their liking. Make sure you set proper expectations by clarifying whether or not they’re seeking your assistance in this process. If so, ask them to download the relevant mobile app ahead of the appointment to save time in this final step of the process.

These are our four easy steps to a smooth, professional installation of the newest smart thermostat models.

After you take these into account, don’t forget to promote your new business offering! Sites such as Angie’s List and Thumbtack already see many requests for professional installation of smart thermostats. You can find opportunities by scanning the requests on these networks, and then help your customers leverage local utility rebates of up to $100. Find smart thermostat rebates in your area to get started.

So, tell us in the comments, are you planning to offer smart thermostat installation services this year? If so, what else are you doing to prepare for this shift?


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