Women in HVAC

In this episode, we are celebrating Women’s History month with four of our special guests, Ashley Pleiman, Sandy Heckman, Lynn Williams, and Mindy Ondera from Logan A/C and Heat Services in Dayton, Ohio. First, we dive into learning about the history of women at Logan’s and how they discovered their own careers in the HVAC industry.

Visit the episode on our site: https://www.ac-heatingconnect.com/contractors/women-in-hvac/

Tech Experts Edition: Tandems and Trios

In this episode, Lindsay, John, and James decode a common compressor nomenclature and explain the difference between even and uneven tandems. We also provide various marketing bulletins based on tandem/single compressor replacements, run cycle, staging, and oil balancing.

Visit the episode on our site: https://www.ac-heatingconnect.com/podcasts/tech-experts-edition-tandems-and-trios/

What’s New with Regs: System Efficiency – A Look into the Future

In this episode, Lindsay, Jennifer, and Rajan continue the discussion from the previous episode, and further explore the world of system efficiency. Rajan explains the metrics (SEER, IEER, EER) used to rate AC systems and what it fails to cover.

Visit the episode on our site: https://www.ac-heatingconnect.com/podcasts/whats-new-with-regs-system-efficiency-a-look-into-the-future/