Six Benefits to Home Automation Technology

home automation

Homeowners are reaping the benefits of new home automation technologies

Until recently, the idea of home automation was relatively unfamiliar to most people. However, as products and technologies become more accessible, homeowners across the country are upgrading their homes.

So what is home automation? Simply put, home automation allows homeowners to control basic home systems and appliances from a remote access point – like a smartphone app or a centralized unit inside the home.

Just like some of the futuristic technology seen on television shows like The Jetsons or Star Trek, it’s now possible to control things like your home temperature, lighting and even security systems with the touch of a screen or the sound of your voice.

If the idea of a smart, automated home sounds too “techy” for your lifestyle, or you think these kinds of products probably cost an arm and a leg, think again. The future is now, and it’s completely accessible. Plus, there are a lot of hidden benefits to automating the home that you might not have considered.

6 Benefits to Home Automation

1. Security

Tap your finger to turn on the lights before you get home, or turn on when you aren’t home to ward off potential robbers.

Door locks are another automated home product that can increase your home security. Worried that the kids didn’t lock the doors before they ran off to play? Or that someone will discover your not-so-secret hiding place for the extra key? Take control of your home from a simple app. With some products, you can even get an alert every time someone enters your home.

2. Energy Efficiency

Increase your home’s energy efficiency by remotely powering off systems and appliances when they aren’t being used. In addition to the standard home automation products that give you active control, some products actively monitor systems and arm the homeowner with knowledge, insight, and guidance to achieve greater control and energy efficiency.

3. Savings

Home automation pays off. When you use home systems and appliances only when needed, the savings will show up in your utility bills. No more wasting money on lights left on when you aren’t home or spending money on gas to drive home because you forgot to lock the door.

4. Convenience

Do you hate relying on neighbors to watch your house when you’re gone? With home automation, convenient control of your home is at your fingertips. You don’t have to trust someone else with your most valued possession.

5. Comfort

Ever leave for work in the morning when it was a comfortable 68° outside only to come home to a sweltering house because the temperature shot up to 90°? Connected home products like Wi-Fi thermostats let you adjust your home temperature from the mobile app, so your family is always comfortable.

6. Peace of Mind

One of the hidden benefits that come with home automation is peace of mind. There will be no more worrying if you turned off the lights, locked the door or turned off the television. For people who have a lot on their plates, home automation is definitely worth the investment.


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One thought on “Six Benefits to Home Automation Technology

  1. Getting boosted security as you mentioned might be a great idea if there are any great home automation technologies that are suited to my home. I do think that they are energy efficient as you suggest since they’re meant to be designed to use as little energy as possible. Since you did say that they are meant to provide comfort to the home, I’ll try to have a system installed and try it out and see where it goes.

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