Comfort of Home

Based on many user comments and questions we’ve received on AC & Heating Connect over the past two years, we noticed a lot of confusion about what “comfort” really means to homeowners.  It seems like many people are not aware of the comfort advantages available in 16 SEER or greater systems with capacity modulation.  We thought the best way to clear up some of this confusion for our users would be to create a short video that explains some of the ways these systems can help them feel more comfortable at home.  It is also our hope that HVAC contractors can use this video to help them better satisfy their customers’ comfort needs.

Here is the new video:

There is another article on our site that deals with the most important factors affecting homeowner comfort and these are:

Temperature variability during on/off cycles

Temperature consistency throughout the whole house

Humidity control on warm, muggy days and night

Learn more about what factors affect your comfort in this article:


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