Matt Ricker

About Matt Ricker

Copeland Commercial & Residential Solutions. Matt Ricker joined Copeland in the AC Division focusing on Aftermarket Business Development. He has been in the HVAC industry for 15 years. He started work in the industry as a service technician for 5 years once he graduated from a HVAC technical school. He then went on to instructing HVAC students at a technical school for the next seven years. With his proven track record in education and serving the industry, he then decided to continue his service in the HVAC industry to provide support to wholesalers, contractors, and end users.
Home Warranty

Pros & Cons of Home Warranties

person holding a wood cutout of a home

Busting Myths on Home Warranty

leaking ductwork

Are Your Energy Costs Through the Roof? How to Identify Leaking Ductwork

Improving Indoor Air Quality with UV Lights

UV Lights – What’s the Glow? | Improve Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality