HVAC Dealers – Close More Sales

HVAC Dealers

Back to the Fundamentals

After a long, hot summer and countless hours explaining to homeowners the importance of upgrading their HVAC system, you often hear three dreaded responses:

  • “I need to research or check around”
  • “It’s too expensive” or “I don’t have the money right now”
  • “I need to think about it”

Hearing those three common responses can be frustrating and could cause you to lose business to the competition.

When pitching HVAC options to your customers, there are a few factors to consider. Customers purchase based on emotion. If you can provide them with logic to help support their reasons or provide them with a great experience, this will help them reach a decision.

As well, homeowners may use your bid as a negotiation or comparison tool when it comes to your competitors and their prices. The average HVAC sales closing ratio is only 32 percent. Utilize your time wisely and properly train your sales team during the winter months to prepare them for the busy summer months. This will help increase your sales closing ratio and can reduce the number of customers having objections. Also, consider supplying customer with a “Buyers or Shopper’s Guide” that shows a comparative analysis of energy savings and the different solutions.

To help increase your closing ratio, here are three fundamental puzzle pieces:

  1. Information Gathering and Presenting are the most important part of the process. Information gathering, when done properly, opens the customer up to learn more about their options and relieves them of any pressure they may feel by you trying to “sell” them a HVAC system.
    • Build trust and credibility between you and the customer. Creating that trust reduces the amount of objections you’ll receive when closing the deal.
    • Keep it short and simple. Uneducated customers may have a short attention when faced with long, complicated explanations. Explain to customers in simple terms and when appropriate provide more detailed information. Remember: a confused mind will always say “No.”
  2. Proposals simply frame what the customer stated during the information gathering session and presents it to them in written format.
    • Utilizing a standard formal format every time will reinforce the credibility between you and the customer. The proposal should lay out what the customer can expect from the technician, the system they are about to purchase, and what they should expect in the future.
    • Laying out a “Good, Better, Best” pricing approach walks the customer through the benefits of each tier. This encourages the customer to focus on the benefits that best fit their comfort and energy reducing needs rather than the cost.
  3. Closing the deal is easy and efficient if the information gathering and presentation was done well.
    • Reframing customer’s pain points and fitting their wants, needs, and comfort levels will greatly increase your closing ratio. If you can do all that and save them money, your closing ratio will benefit.

After closing the deal, follow up with the customer to ensure their needs were met. Following these tips will ensure you build your credibility, connect with your customers, and receive excellent online reviews, testimonials, and more importantly referrals.


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3 thoughts on “HVAC Dealers – Close More Sales

  1. Always offer financing if your company provides it. Instead of telling them 10,000.00 tell them as little as 166.00 per month. Customer will be more apt to go when seeing the smaller number. Reason 1 why customers do not finance. Its not offered at the table.
    Hope this helps


  2. I love this. I always wondered wat could I be doing wrong. And as I read I’ve been making a lot of mistakes..I would be worried about getting the job and show off my work instead of paying more attention to the client underline concern and over all comfort of doing business with my company.. Thanks this was enlightening

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